Working Families PAC Endorsement

Press Release

Date: Feb. 17, 2016
Issues: Religion Abortion

Congressman John Fleming, M.D., today announced that he has received the endorsement of the Campaign for Working Families and its Chairman, Gary Bauer, in his 2016 bid for the open U.S. Senate seat in Louisiana.

Gary Bauer, one of the most influential, conservative leaders in the nation, has been tirelessly advocating for decades on behalf of traditional family values, the right to life, religious freedom and a strong national defense. Mr. Bauer served as Under Secretary of Education and Chief Domestic Policy Advisor under President Ronald Reagan. After leaving the White House, Mr. Bauer became president of the Family Research Council and Senior Vice President of Focus on the Family before launching Campaign for Working Families in 1996, a political action committee dedicated to electing pro-family, pro-life conservatives to public office.

In a letter released today to Congressman Fleming, Mr. Bauer expressed his support for Fleming's campaign for U.S. Senate. "Now more than ever, we need proven leaders in Congress who will respect the commonsense values of the American people. We need leaders who understand that we must protect our borders and rebuild our military strength…We need leaders who will fight for lower taxes on working families, less spending and smaller government. We need leaders who will defend the sanctity of life, advocate for religious liberty and support traditional marriage."

Bauer continued, "I know you are, and will continue to be, such a leader for Louisiana in the U.S. Senate."

"I am very grateful for the support of such a highly respected organization like CWF, which under the solid leadership of Gary Bauer, has become one of America's largest and most successful conservative action committees," said Congressman Fleming. "Most of the harm that President Obama caused this nation came from having a democrat-controlled Senate that gave him carte blanche to impose his harmful agenda. We need to change the status quo in Washington and bring back economic vitality, strengthen America's working families and implement sound foreign policy that can strengthen America's role as a world leader again. I know that together we can make this possible."

This endorsement from Campaign for Working Families PAC and Gary Bauer comes on the heels of the endorsement from Concerned Women for American Political Action Committee and its CEO Penny Nance.
