Gun Violence

Floor Speech

Date: July 14, 2016
Location: Washington, DC
Issues: Guns


Ms. NORTON. Mr. Speaker, I am proud that the Nation's Capital has the strongest gun safety laws in the country. Yet the Capitol complex was on lockdown Tuesday as D.C. Police chased suspects armed with a machine gun and shooting at police near the Capitol.

People and their guns travel in interstate commerce instantly making our country's gun problem national, not local. D.C.'s strong gun safety laws are still on the books, despite pro-gun lawsuits and incessantly proposed Republican riders. But local and State laws to protect our people are undermined by inaction by this Congress.

The Charleston loophole is the decent place to begin. We sat in on the House floor because we could not go home in silence for July Fourth. Today, we declare no recess from the gun show loophole until universal background checks become the law of the land.

