Sessions: DOJ Inspector General Finds Sanctuary Jurisdiction Policies Violate Federal Law

Press Release

Date: July 29, 2016
Location: Washington, DC

U.S. Sen. Jeff Sessions (R-AL), Chairman of the Subcommittee on Immigration and The National Interest, issued the following statement today on "sanctuary jurisdictions":

"After a two-month delay, the Department of Justice's Inspector General, its internal watchdog, has published a memorandum finding that the practices of sanctuary jurisdictions violate federal law. This opinion must bring an end to the excuses proffered by numerous Democratic leaders to defend the extreme and dangerous practices of sanctuary jurisdictions.

It is particularly frustrating that this memorandum was initially wrongfully marked as being "Law Enforcement Sensitive,' and therefore not made available to the public. Notably, this memorandum was dated prior to a key Senate vote on Senator Toomey's sanctuary jurisdiction legislation just a few weeks ago -- legislation that would have ended this dangerous practice. Only two Democrats supported the legislation, all while this memorandum that makes clear the illegality of these policies was withheld from the public discourse.

It is a simple fact that aliens lawfully here, and of course those unlawfully here, must be deported promptly upon their conviction for criminal offenses. Failure to do so places whole communities at risk, especially immigrant communities in those sanctuary jurisdictions. Yet the Obama Administration has been totally ineffective in confronting these policies that dramatically undermine the enforcement of our immigration laws. Too often, we have heard comments such as "sanctuary cities have a place in America' to justify this unjustifiable practice. The Obama Administration has a plain duty to cut off law enforcement funds to any jurisdiction that violates this responsibility to ensure the deportation of criminal aliens.

The Inspector General's decision is sound and firmly settles the question. Now, the law and the American people demand that this Administration cease its acquiescence in this illegality. The Obama Administration must immediately take action to withhold significant federal law enforcement funding for these offending jurisdictions."


The Inspector General of the Department of Justice recently issued a memorandum to the Department of Justice's Office of Justice Programs, finding that the operation of sanctuary jurisdiction policies in several large states and localities -- including Cook County, Illinois; New York, New York; Philadelphia, Pennsylvania; and the State of California -- violate federal law, yet have received hundreds of millions of dollars in federal funds. However, the Obama Administration has done little in response.

Rather, this administration has emboldened them with its systematic dismantling of immigration enforcement. While this administration has sued states and local jurisdictions that want to assist in the enforcement of our immigration laws, it announced in 2010 that it would not take any legal action against sanctuary jurisdictions for refusing to cooperate federal immigration authorities. So while the Obama Administration had the time and resources to sue states like Arizona and Alabama, litigating such cases all the way to the Supreme Court, it has not devoted any resources to take similar actions against sanctuary jurisdictions across this country.

Over the last year, Senate Democrats have blocked two bills that would combat sanctuary jurisdictions. Moreover, Hillary Clinton has promised that if she becomes President, she will deport only "violent" criminals and terrorists, which she admits is a "relatively small universe," and has justified the existence of sanctuary jurisdictions in the past. Indeed, her campaign said last year that "Hillary Clinton believes that sanctuary cities can help further public safety, and she has defended those policies going back years." In recent days, her campaign manager, John Podesta, said that "sanctuary cities have a place in America."

In addition to supporting the measures to combat sanctuary jurisdictions in the Senate, last year, Senator Sessions introduced a bill -- S. 1640, the Michael Davis, Jr. and Danny Oliver in Honor of State and Local Law Enforcement Act -- focused on improving interior enforcement of our immigration laws, including provisions to combat sanctuary jurisdictions. Senator Sessions will continue to support legislation that protects the safety of our communities and encourages the enforcement of our immigration laws.
