Kirk Statement on House Passage of Bill to Punish Iranian Terrorism & Missile Threats


Date: July 14, 2016
Location: Washington, DC
Issues: Foreign Affairs

U.S. Senator Mark Kirk (R-Ill.) issued a statement after the U.S. House of Representatives passed in a 246-to-179 vote the Iran Accountability Act (H.R. 5631), a measure to push Iran's non-nuclear transgressions that draws heavily from Senator Kirk's Iran Terrorism & Human Rights Sanctions Act (S. 2726) and Senator Kelly Ayotte's (R-N.H.) Iran Ballistic Missile Sanctions Act (S. 2725).

"In the year since Secretary Kerry unveiled the dangerously flawed nuclear deal, Iran has defied international law to test multiple nuclear-capable ballistic missiles that can strike Israel and U.S. forces in region, escalated support for Hezbollah and Hamas terrorists, illegally imprisoned U.S. citizens, and ramped up efforts to illicitly buy nuclear and missile technology," Senator Kirk said. "I am pleased to see the House voted to advance legislation based on bills that Senator Ayotte and I co-authored to hold Iran accountable for its non-nuclear transgressions, and I urge the Senate to quickly do the same."
