Beatty Helps Light the Way Forward on Gun Violence Prevention

Press Release

Date: July 15, 2016
Location: Washington, DC

Yesterday, U.S. Congresswoman Joyce Beatty (OH-03) joined the Congressional Black Caucus, Members of the House Democratic Caucus and thousands of people on the West Lawn of the U.S. Capitol Building to demand that Congress take immediate action to curb the senseless killing of men, women and children in communities across the country, including in Central Ohio.

Countless Americans are clamoring for meaningful solutions to our nation's gun violence epidemic. That is why Beatty organized a bus of concerned citizens to travel from Ohio's Third Congressional District to Washington, including Ebony Crosby, whose 13-year-old daughter Italy McCrae, was shot and killed as she sat at the kitchen table, to participate in the National Speak Out.

"Far too many families have had their lives flipped upside down because of gun violence," Beatty said. "How many more innocent people's lives will it take for House Republican Leadership to concede that gun violence is a public health crisis, and how long will it take for them to finally do something about it?" Beatty continued, "Enough is enough."

During the National Speak Out, 15 families shared their stories of heartbreak as a result of gun violence and urged the federal government--particularly Congress--to help put a stop to the bloodshed. Crosby was one of the 15 selected. She spoke poignantly about Italy, talked about her daughter's hopes, dreams and aspirations, and vividly recalled that horrifying night when Italy and her other daughter, 15-year old Ynobe McCrae, were shot. Crosby also pressed Congress to do more to save future families from experiencing the agony of losing their child.

"Italy McCrae was a bright, talented and, most importantly, loving child who had her entire life ahead of her," Beatty said. "However, in an instant, Italy--like far too many Americans--was gunned down, and her family is left to pick up the pieces." Beatty concluded, "Moments of silence are not enough. At a time when a majority of Americans support common sense gun violence prevention legislation, we cannot continue to turn a blind eye and ear to what is happening in our own backyard. We owe it to Italy, her family and all the victims and families affected by gun violence."

Led by Congresswoman John Lewis (GA-05) and Assistant Democratic Leader James Clyburn (SC-06), the National Speak Out is in response to House Republican Leadership's refusal to hold a vote on even one piece of gun violence prevention legislation--including two bipartisan bills introduced by Republican Congressman Peter King (NY-02).
