Fitzpatrick Continues to Fight for Veterans

Date: June 29, 2005
Location: Washington, DC
Issues: Veterans

Fitzpatrick Continues to Fight for Veterans

Signs Letter on VA funding; Cosponsors Mandatory VA Funding Legislation

Washington, Jun 29 - Yesterday, Congressman Fitzpatrick joined 55 of his Republican colleagues in the House in signing a letter to House Appropriations Committee Chairman Jerry Lewis highlighting an error in the formula used by the Administration to provide adequate funding to the Department of Veterans Affairs for VA healthcare. The error has resulted in a shortfall for VA funding, and the letter requests Chairman Lewis to take action to correct it.

"I am thankful that the House Veterans Affairs Committee caught this error," Fitzpatrick said. "We all owe a great debt to those men and women who wore the uniform in defense of America. Congress must take action to make sure our veterans receive the care they deserve."

Recently, Congressman Fitzpatrick has taken a leadership role in advocating for mandatory VA funding. On May 26, 2005, Fitzpatrick signed on as an original cosponsor to H.R. 2735, a bill introduced by Representative Christopher Smith (R-NJ) to provide for an adequate level of funding for the VA. This legislation would establish an independent board to evaluate the needs of VA funding. The board's funding recommendation would then be required to be added to the President's budget request.

Additionally, on June 7, 2005, Congressman Fitzpatrick cosponsored H.R. 1515, a bill introduced by Representative Lane Evans (D-IL) that would provide for mandatory funding for VA healthcare, a move supported by the vast majority of veterans and veteran's organizations.

"I believe that Congress must do as much as possible to provide adequate funding for the VA. Year after year, budget requests have not met the demand for veteran's healthcare. A move to mandatory funding would solve this problem by statute and then no veteran would be left behind," Fitzpatrick said.
