Letter to William C. Weldon, Chairman, Johnson & Johnson

Date: July 5, 2005
Location: Washington, DC
Issues: Education

Letter to William C. Weldon, Chairman, Johnson & Johnson

July 5, 2005

Via Facsimile: (202) 408-9490
Original via USPS Mail

Mr, WillamC. Weldon
Chairman & Chief Executive Officer
Johnson & Johnson
One Johnson & Johnson PIaza
New Brunswick. New Jersey 08933

Dear Mr. Weldon:

On June 9, 2005. the U.S. Senate Committee on Finance (Committee) requested that Johnson and Johnson (J&J) provide it with information regarding J&J's use of educational grants. On June 10, 2005, the NewYork Times printed an article discussing
your company's underwriting of efforts that promoted Propulsid's use in children before that drug was withdrawn from the market for safety reasons. The Committee wishes to expand its original inquiry and now seeks additional information from your company so that it can assess how educational grants were used in connection with Propulsid.

Therefore, as Chairman and Ranking Member of the Committee, we request that your company provide the following information and data to the committee:

1. Identify the person(s) and/or agent(s) (includin,&name, title and contact information) within or affiliated with your company who was responsible for evaluating requests for educational grants related ta Propulsid (all formulations) from July 1993 through March 2000.

2. Identify the persan(s) and/or agent{s)(including, name, title and contact information) within or affiliated with your company who was responsible for approving or awarding educational grants related to Propulsid from July 1993 through March 2000.

3. Identify the total number and dollar amount of educational or other grants your company made to support activities that related to, or could have been expected to relate to, Propulsid for calendar years 1997 through 1999., For each year, List the
grants by recipient and identify the amount of the grant, the date the grant was made, the activity the grant was intended to support, the organization's representative responsible for administering the grant, and whether the grant recipient was accredited by the Accreditation Council for Continuing Medical Educalion.

4. For each grant identified in question #3, please provide all associated documentation, including, but not limited to, grant applications, invoices, cleared checlks and expense vouchers.

5. Please provide a list of all payments your company ever made directly to Dr. Paul Hyman or in support of activities with which Dr. Hyman was involved. For each payment please indicate the following: a) the activity the payment was intended to
support; and b) how the payment was characterlzed by your company internally (e..g.,educational grant, research grant. honorarium, etc.). In addition, for those payments made between January 1, 1995 and December 31, 1999, please provide
all associated documentation, including, but not limited to, grant applications, invoices, cleared checks and expense vouchers.

6. Please provide a list of all payments your company ever made to the American Pseudo-Obstruction and Hirschsprung's Disease Society. For each payment please indicate the following: a) the activity the payment was intended to support;
and b) how the payment was characterized by your company internally (e.g., educational grant, research grant, honorarium, ete.). In addition, for those payments made between January I, 1995 and December 31, 1999, please provide all associated documentation, including, but not limited to, grant applications, invoices, cleared checks and expense vouchers.

7. Please provide a list of all payments your company ever made to the North American Society for Pediatric Gastroenterology, Hepatology and Nutrition, For each payment please indicate the following: a) the activity the payment was intended to support; and b) how the payment was characterized by your company internally (e,g,. educational grant, research grant, honorarium. etc.). In addition, for those payments made between.January I, 1995 and December 31, 1999, please provide all associated documentation, including. but not limited to, grant applications, invoices, cleared checks and expense vouchers. Please provide the information and documents requested in questions 1-7 by July 28, 2005. In complying with this request, respond by repeating the enumerated request followed by the accompanying response; attach and identify all relevant documents or
data by title and the number(s) of the enumerated request(s) to which they are responsive.

Finally, in complying with this request. please refer to the attached definitions concerning the questions set forth in this letter.

Any questions or concems should be directed to our Committee staff, and all correspondence should be sent via facsimile to
(majority) and (mincrity), and original by US. mail. All document deliveries should be coordinated with and delivered in accordance with his instructions. In order to comply with Committee deadlines, certain delivery infomation must be submitted at least 24 hours ahead of the anticipated delivery day.

Chuck Grassley, Chairman
Max Baucus, Ranking Member

