Speech by Senator Ron Johnson at the 2016 Republican Party Convention

Date: July 19, 2016
Location: Cleveland, OH

What difference, at this point, does it make? I am the guy that provoked that infamous response from Hillary Clinton by asking a pretty simple question: "Why didn't you just pick up the phone and call the survivors?"

But instead of doing that, she hatched her cover-up story and repeatedly lied to the American people. She even lied to the surviving family members of America's fallen heroes. Think about that for a moment.

And, of course, Hillary's cold, calculated lying continues. If we can't trust her to tell us the truth, how can we possibly trust her to lead America?

So let me tell you -- and Hillary Clinton -- what difference it does makes when America's leaders cannot be trusted -- when our commander in chief fails miserably by employing a strategy of peace through withdrawal instead of achieving peace through strength.

It makes a difference to the young Yazidi woman I met who was captured and brutalized by ISIS barbarians, the joy of life hauntingly absent in her eyes.

It makes a difference to the travelers, passing through airports in Brussels and Istanbul, who just wanted to get home to their family and friends.

It makes a difference to the ordinary Americans sharing holiday cheer at a Christmas party in San Bernardino.

It makes a difference to the young men and women dancing on a summer night at a club in Orlando.

And it makes a difference to the families watching fireworks at a celebration of freedom in Nice.

These are just a few examples of Islamic terrorists, let me repeat that -- ISLAMIC TERRORISTS -- slaughtering and brutalizing their innocent victims.

When will America effectively respond to this terrible reality? We certainly won't if Democrats win in November.

In Wisconsin, I'm running against Russ Feingold, who, even after 9/11, voted against giving law enforcement the tools they need to help stop international terror. During his eighteen year Senate career, he also voted against authorizing our military eleven separate times. And now he's asking Wisconsinites to give him a fourth term -- just as Hillary Clinton is asking America to give her Obama's third term.

The world is simply too dangerous to elect either of them. Instead, America needs strong leadership.

Leaders who will jumpstart our economy, secure our borders, strengthen our military, and accomplish the goal President Obama set over twenty-two months ago: We must defeat ISIS, and then remain fully committed to destroying Islamic terrorists wherever they hide.

It doesn't have to be like this -- we shouldn't have to live in fear.

This is a fight for freedom.

It's not someone else's fight, this is our fight. And it is a fight we absolutely must win.

Donald Trump and Mike Pence understand that these must be America's top priorities.

They will be strong leaders, working with Republicans in the House and Senate to achieve a goal that can unite us all: A safe, prosperous, and secure America.

Our future hangs in the balance.

We must unify, work tirelessly, and together, save this great nation.

So God Bless your efforts, and God Bless America.
