Release: Statement From Rep. Dave Brat On The "Detain And Deport" Act

Press Release

Date: July 19, 2016
Location: Washington, DC

Rep. Dave Brat (R-Va.) introduced two bills last week, H.R. 5826, the Detain and Deport Act, and H.R. 5825, the Illegal Alien Criminal Notification Act.

"I introduced two bills to address loopholes in immigration enforcement that have led to so-called 'sanctuary' cities," said Rep. Dave Brat. "Officials in sanctuary cities have been prohibited from inquiring, acting on, or reporting an individual's immigration status--even when there is a reasonable suspicion that an individual is in the country illegally. In cities across the country, local jurisdictions have even gone so far as to shield illegal aliens by adopting policies that restrict state and local police from cooperating with federal authorities. Officials in these cities have been directed to ignore U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement detainer requests."

"These bills seek to enforce federal law by requiring local jurisdictions to collect and share information on aliens with the federal government, and also clarify and strengthen the authority of ICE detainers by restricting federal funds from going to state and local political subdivisions who do not comply with ICE detainer requests," said Rep. Brat

H.R.5825, Illegal Alien Criminal Notification Act

Requires State and Local jurisdictions to collect and share information on criminal aliens with the Federal government

Defines sanctuary jurisdictions and prohibits policies that violate Federal law
Requires DHS to complete an annual report determining which State and political subdivisions are sanctuary cities
prohibits Federal funds from going to State and political subdivisions who do not comply with detainer requests
The bill requires the Federal government to issue ICE Detainers and State and local jurisdictions to comply with them

H.R. 5826, the Detain and Deport Act

Strengthens/clarifies authority of ICE Detainers and prohibits Federal funds from going to State and political subdivisions who do not comply with detainer requests

This bill provides for immunity from civil actions brought by illegal aliens for states acting in accordance with Federal law
Under this bill, it is the sense of Congress that DHS has probable cause to believe that an alien is inadmissible or deportable when it issues a detainer regarding such alien
