Issue Position: Coal and Energy

Issue Position

Date: Jan. 1, 2016
Issues: Energy

Congressman Mooney introduced the Supporting Transparent Regulatory and Environmental Actions in Mining Act (STREAM Act), preventing the Obama Administration from implementing a new regulation intentionally designed to shut down mining in the Appalachian region and kill as many as 80,000 coal jobs. His bill, H.R.1644, passed the full House on January 19, 2016 with a bipartisan vote of 235-188.

Congressman Mooney understands the importance of ensuring that coal miners and their families receive the care that they need. That is why he is an original cosponsor of the Coal Healthcare and Pensions Act of 2015. This legislation includes ensuring that black lung benefit claims are handled quickly and that miners who are suffering from black lung are given the care that they need.

Congressman Mooney helped led the fight against President Obama's devastating Clean Power Plan, which would have dismantled West Virginia's economy and the coal industry, while raising energy prices on working families. He cosponsored Congressional Resolutions of disapproval for the new power plant rules in the Clean Power Plan that were vetoed by President Obama.

With the spectacular growth of West Virginia's natural gas industry has come additional burdensome regulations from the EPA and other regulatory bodies. Congressman Mooney continues to fight against over regulation in the energy industry.
