CNN "Anderson Cooper 360 Degrees" - Transcript: The Hispanic Vote, American Jobs, Immigration, Iran Nuclear Deal, Obama's Birth Certificate



COOPER: You do make a lot of people, a lot of people running against, very nervous. They feel you have got to get Hispanics on the side of the GOP. They look at Mitt Romney got 27 percent of the Hispanic vote.

TRUMP: He didn't appeal to them. And I mean, I understand why. He didn't appeal to a lot of people. He didn't appeal to conservative Republicans. If Republicans would have left their living room and gone out and vote heed would have within the election. People for some reason didn't dig Mitt Romney. Now, as far as--.

COOPER: You can get the Latino vote?

[20:05:02] TRUMP: I will tell you what, if the Republicans vote, if Mitt Romney - he didn't energize anybody. I do energize. I think you say that. I do energize. I mean, you look at what is happening.


TRUMP: Not only well, I get everyone is smiling now so he won't get --. I will get more Latinos than anybody else. I have thousands of Latinos that work for me now. And I tell you why I am going to get them. Because at the appropriate time, the later on, probably after the primary situation assuming I win, which I hope I do. I mean, I am in it to win it. We'll see what happens. I'm going to have thousands of people that work for me, standing up saying we love Trump. And what I am going to do for the Latinos, is am going to be able to create jobs. I'm going to take jobs from China, I'm going to take jobs, excuse me, from the Mexico, from Japan, where they're sending in millions of automobiles all the time and we get nothing out of it. I am going to take jobs back and bring them back into the country. And the Latinos are going to be able to work and make good money. They're going to vote for me. And I will tell you what. I will take them away from Hillary Clinton.

COOPER: You talk very openly about in your speeches about your deal with Macy's, your line of neck ties, they are manufacture in China. You said - yes, you talked about it, very open. Very standup guy about that.

TRUMP: Honestly, I hate the fact.

COOPER: But if you really hate it, why not just make a stand and say, you know what, I'm not going to make this deal. I want it made in America. Brooks brothers makes it in America, American apparel.

TRUMP: Macy's was weak. They were very weak because they want to be politically correct. By the way thousands of people are cutting up their Macy's credit card right now and I love that. I love that. Because I hate to see weak people when they're wrong. I think they're paying a very big price.

I talk openly in speeches about ties. That ties, that are made for me, because China has so devalued their currency that it is impossible for American companies, even with something so simple as a tie, it's impossible for American companies to come feet with China. (END VIDEOTAPE)



[20:11:38] COOPER: Well, Donald Trump's comments have offended many in Latino community, but also some of his fellow Republican presidential candidates. In this part of our conversation and through Donald Trump style, he does not mince word about any of them.


COOPER: Let me read you what some of your fellow Republicans have said. Bush says, Trump is wrong on this. He is doing this. He is not a stupid guy. Don't think he thinks every messing across the border is rapist. He is doing this to enflame and incite and draw attention.

TRUMP: So, look, Bush is weak on immigration. Forget about his stance on common core which is a (INAUDIBLE), he is very weak on immigration. And that's his prerogative if he wants to be.

COOPER: Marco Rubio. Trump's comments are not just offensive and inaccurate, but also divisive.

TRUMP: Marco Rubio is somebody who is extremely weak on immigration. He all of the sudden toughens his stance because his poll numbers went down. If he ever got elected, you would have people flowing across the border.

COOPER: Rick Perry. I was offended by his remarks. He is going to have to defend those remarks. I never will. I will stand and say that those are offensive which they were.

TRUMP: Well, I could be much more offensive to Rick Perry. But the fact is he was governor of Texas. The borders are disaster. He could have done much more as governor of Texas to make the border strong.

COOPER: Lindsey Graham, just today tweeted, why would any group vote for a party if it embraces that view, I sure has hell wouldn't.

TRUMP: Well, if Lindsey Graham - I think he has always been very nice to me. But then he wants to bomb everybody. All I know is every time I watch Lindsey Graham, he wants to bomb everybody.

COOPER: Carly Fiorina.

TRUMP: Well, you know, she came out very weak yesterday on my opinion on immigration. A little bit harshen me because, you know, I'm very strong on the immigration situation. But she lost her job at Hewlett- Packard, viciously was fired, viciously. She then ran for the Senate in California against Barbara Boxer, got killed in a landslide. Now, she is going to run for president.

COOPER: (INAUDIBLE) has backed you up on immigration.

TRUMP: Well, I have great respect for the fact he had the courage to back me up and to say what I am saying is right. And all I am saying, and all he is saying is that, we have to stop illegal immigration. It's causing tremendous problems including crime. And Carson, he stoke up too. He came out the other day, very strongly.

COOPER: Bernie Sanders?

TRUMP: I think he is a character. I mean, he is doing well. He gets people. I think actually that I'm not sure him Hillary is going to get the nomination. You know, if you go back to pre-Obama, when nobody heard of Obama, Hillary had the same kind power she did now. It was going to be - it was sort of, you know, almost foregone conclusion. She was going to be running for president on the Democratic line. And all of a sudden Obama came along and beat her. Well, now it is the same thing.

COOPER: Chris Christie.

TRUMP: As he said, he is friend of mine and everything else. I really, and I told this to Chris, I told this to his people. He missed his time.


COOPER: My interview with Donald Trump was to say the least wide ranging, went for about 40 or so minutes. We covered everything from neckties to Iran. On the later, another deadline looms on the nuclear negotiations. And today, Secretary of state John Kerry said there are tough issues to be resolved. But there is progress being made. The deal's deadline has already been extended twice as you may know. And Kerry says they are not going to sit at the table forever. But at the same time won't leave just because the clock strikes midnight which brings us back to my interview with Donald Trump. He says this all should have taken a week at most.


TRUMP: We are making a terrible deal. We have the wrong people negotiating for us against greatly with the Persians are great negotiators. They are laughing at the stupidity of the deal we are making on nuclear. We should double up and triple up the sanctions and have them come to us. They are making an amazing deal.

You know we're paying them hundreds of millions of dollars on a monthly basis. Hundreds of millions of dollars going back. And I said why can't the money be held back? They said well, that money has nothing to do with our negotiation. Really?

And also, why aren't we taking our four prisoners back? Why aren't we getting the four people that are being held in the worst prisons they say in the world in Iran, why aren't we getting them back? They say we don't want to discuss that. That has nothing to do with the nuclear.

Anderson, this negotiation should have taken a week. That's because I'm being generous. Should have taken a day. But it should have taken a week. This is going on forever. Now they are having another delay and another delay. And if you think that Iran isn't doing lots of nuclear work behind our backs as we're negotiating then you are foolish. And I watch you too often to know you are not foolish.

COOPER: It is rare a politician actually admit mistakes. You have admitted you made mistakes in the past.

TRUMP: I have.

COOPER: You and I talked about President Obama and the whole birth certificate.

TRUMP: I didn't say it was a mistake. I just said --

COOPER: No. I'm asking now, do you say that President Obama was born in the United States?

TRUMP: No. I don't know. I really don't know. I mean, I don't know why he wouldn't release his records. But you know, honestly, I don't want to get in it. He came up with this thing, all of a sudden. Remember this one thing. I'm only going to get one thing because I'm about jobs, the economy, and I'm about the military and taking care of all that. And let me just say something.

You know that Hillary Clinton was a birther. She wanted the records and fought like hell. People forget. Do you know, John McCain was a birther? Wanted those records. They couldn't get the records. Hillary failed. John McCain failed. Trump was able to get them to give something. I don't know what the hell it was, but it doesn't matter because I am off that subject. I am about jobs. I'm about the military. I am about doing the right thing for this country. I want to make our country great again.

