Issue Position: Women & Families

Issue Position

Date: Jan. 1, 2016
Location: Raleigh, NC

We've come a long way on women's rights, but we have more to do. Republicans in Washington won't stop trying to dictate women's healthcare options, place restrictions on their constitutionally protected right to choose, and limit their personal autonomy. They almost shut down the government in order to defund Planned Parenthood.
Rather than turning back the clock on women's health care, Deborah believes we should be focused on making progress on issues like equal pay and paid family leave. Not only do these reforms help women prosper, they would help our families prosper.

In the State House, Deborah introduced measures to fund child care in North Carolina, close the gender pay gap, and guarantee paid sick leave for North Carolina's workers. When state legislators tried to play political games with women's health and defund Planned Parenthood, Deborah fought back.

Deborah also sponsored comprehensive legislation to help protect victims of domestic violence and crack down on offenders.

As an advocate, she worked to get insurance to cover contraception long before the Affordable Care Act.

We still have a long way to go, but North Carolina's women and families can count on Deborah Ross to be their greatest advocate in the U.S. Senate.
