Knight Fights To Bring Olympics To Los Angeles

Press Release

Date: July 13, 2016
Location: Washington, DC

A measure championed by Representative Steve Knight (CA-25) to bring the Olympics back to Los Angeles in 2024 passed the House floor Tuesday.

H.Con.Res.142 is a House concurrent resolution that supports the bid of Los Angeles to bring the 2024 Summer Olympic Games back to the United States and pledging the cooperation of Congress with respect to that bid. Rep. Knight is an original cosponsor of the measure, which was introduced earlier this month by Los Angeles Representative Xavier Becerra (CA-34).

"LA 2024 represents the right event in the right city at the right moment for the United States, and that is why it has earned bipartisan backing in Congress," said Knight.

Last summer Knight signed a bipartisan letter with other representatives California to Larry Probst, Chairman of the United States Olympic Committee, detailing Los Angeles' distinctive advantages as a host city. These include adequate transportation infrastructure, already existing facilities, and previous success in hosting the Games. Knight, who represents the nearby Antelope, Santa Clarita, and Simi Valleys, believes the Olympics would yield positive economic impacts for the entire region.

"I am confident in LA 2024's ability to deliver the Games that will benefit people of the Greater Los Angeles region and the entire United States," continued Knight.

The resolution passed the House with unanimous support, and now awaits consideration in the Senate.
