Issue Position: Focus on North Carolina

Issue Position

During Deborah's more than two decade legal career and ten years serving Wake County in the North Carolina General Assembly, her guiding principle has always been to improve the lives of all North Carolinians.
She understands that to reestablish economic opportunity for North Carolinians, we need a government that works for people and not special interests. As a state representative, Deborah was recognized for consistently fighting to increase access to education, encourage investment in small businesses, expand access to health care, and ensure equal pay and economic fairness for women.

Deborah's bill allowing same-day registration during early voting enabled thousands of North Carolinian voices to be heard at the ballot box. This helped make North Carolina's statewide Federal elections some of the most competitive in the nation.

Deborah was also an outspoken opponent of oppressive voter ID laws, anti-LGBT measures, cuts to public education, and the easing of important environmental regulations.

Most importantly, she has a long history of working across the aisle to get things done -- something sorely missing in Washington right now. Republicans have allowed extreme partisanship to take priority over the good of our state and it's caused North Carolinians to become more concerned about their futures.
