Montana Rep. Ryan Zinke Selected for Speaking Slot at RNC 2016


Date: July 14, 2016
Issues: Foreign Affairs

Today, the Republican National Convention announced freshman Montana Congressman Ryan Zinke has been selected to deliver a primetime speech at the Republican National Convention on Monday, July 18, 2016, and will share the stage with top national security experts like Iowa Senator Joni Ernst. Zinke will deliver remarks focused on national security and leadership.

"I'm excited to join Republicans from around the country to put Montana in the spotlight while we work together to move American foreign policy in the right direction," said Zinke. "American leadership is needed across the globe. The Obama/Clinton failed foreign policy brought us ISIS and brought down Benghazi. They created power vacuums which our adversaries and enemies like ISIS, China and Russia are rushing to fill. I'd shudder to think what Hillary Clinton in the White House would bring."

The Zinke for Congress reelection campaign is hosting free public watch parties at GOP field offices in Billings, Bozeman, Great Falls, Missoula, Helena, and Kalispell.
