Loudoun Now - Bennett Kicks Off Campaign for Congress

News Article

Date: March 17, 2016
Issues: Guns Environment

By: Renss Greene

U.S. House of Representatives 10th District challenger Luann Bennett formally kicked off her campaign Wednesday with an event held at The Bungalow Lakehouse Restaurant in Sterling.

"The 10th District deserves a congressperson who reflects its values," Bennett said, mentioning women's choice, immigration, environmental protection, gun law reform, and the need for a "cradle-to-grave education strategy in this country, so nobody is left behind ever again."

DSC_3590The event was attended by a long list of local Democrats, including Attorney General Mark Herring, Virginia Senators Jennifer T. Wexton (D-33) and Barbara A. Favola (D-31), Delegates John J. Bell (D-87) and Mark D. Sickles (D-43), and Loudoun Supervisors Koran T. Saines (D-Sterling) and Kristen C. Umstattd (D-Leesburg), among others.

Bennett hopes to unseat Barbara Comstock in a district the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee has identified as one of sixteen "Red to Blue" races, which Democrats are targeting for a party change.

"It's "welcome to battleground Loudoun,"" Herring said. "This is a battleground county, in a battleground state, in a really big year."
