FOX "Hannity"- Transcript: Debate Recap


Date: Aug. 7, 2015


Governor, how are you?


HANNITY: Did you have fun out there?

WALKER: Yes, I did. It was pretty entertaining. Yes, I'm right next to Donald Trump. So of course it's entertaining.

HANNITY: It couldn't have been that bad, right?

Let's talk about this. One of the things came up in the debate for you was the issue of abortion, and the exemption for whether or not a mother's life is in jeopardy.

WALKER: Yes, I say it's a false choice. There is always a better option out. There I've said medically there's always a better choice than choosing between the life of an unborn baby and the life of the mother. So, that's just a false choice out there, that was my point. There is always better choices out there, medically that's just a non-issue.

HANNITY: You defunded Planned Parenthood in the state already.

WALKER: I did. Four -- almost four and a half years ago. Right at the beginning of my life. I was a leader on that long before the video tapes, long before all the talk out there. People talk about a pro-life record in this race. I've actually done -- defunded Planned Parenthood, passed pro-life legislation, been a leader in that regard.

HANNITY: One of the interesting laws that you pass in the Wisconsin was the ultra sound law. These Planned Parenthood tapes would use ultra sound to quote, "preserve the body parts."

What was your reaction to that?

WALKER: Amazing. At the time they went after us on that very issue even though they're using it. It's just remarkable. But even on that, I tried on that issue. Certainly on foreign policy. Instead of picking fights with fellow Republicans, many of whom I admire and I'm good friends with, to bring it back to Hillary Clinton. She's extreme in terms of federal dollars for abortion. We're the ones that are with the mainstream on this issue, and on everything else -- on foreign policy, domestic policy, you name it. Hillary Clinton is the person we should be talking to.

HANNITY: Let's talk immigration, such big a issue. In the past, you had taken the position that you had. But you changed, evolved, explained the evolution.

WALKER: For me, it was a combination of things. It was looking at the president's horrible mishandling of this issue. It's why I joined with 24 other governors -- I was the 25th, one of the first ones sign on to the lawsuit that now blocked the illegal action of the president from last year. And I looked, talked to border state leaders. I talked to the American people. I think people want someone who listened to them -- and I made it clear. Secure the border. Enforce the laws. No amnesty.

And I'm fairly unique in this regard. I believe we should have a policy about legal immigration, because priority to American working families.

HANNITY: A lot of people know your record as governor. Know the fights that you've had against unions. But you have really made an effort to reach out to foreign governors, foreign governments and foreign leaders. Tell us about the experience you've had meeting with the Saudis and Egyptians, and Israelis.

WALKER: It was earlier this year when I met with many of the Persian Gulf leaders. It was amazing; I asked them, set aside the Iran deal for a minute. What's the biggest worry you have in the world today? They said the disengagement of America. That shows the Obama-Clinton doctrine of leading from behind is not working, and we got to do something different about it. It's when I met with Benjamin Netanyahu, when I was in Israel, I didn't just meet with him. I'm an ally and a supporter of his, I believe that he's a great leader, but I also met with Herzog, the opposition leader, because I wanted to make it clear, if I'm president, there is no daylight between me and the state of Israel.

HANNITY: It looked like in the debate you had made a decision. When you talked about Hillary, everything she touched is worse off. Was that a decision that you weren't going after the guys on the stage, but...

WALKER: No, I was listening to this exchange and they were talking all about Donald Trump. I said, I want to talk about Hillary Clinton. Think about these e-mails. This woman could be...

HANNITY: The FBI investigation. A criminal investigation.

WALKER: Oh, yes. Her problem is real right now. She could be the deceiver-in-chief based upon what she said; you can't trust her to be the commander in chief. And I think the more time we spend focusing on who is best going head to head against her, the better off we are. I'm a new fresh face. She's a name from the past. I'm someone from outside of Washington; she's about as inside of Washington as she could be. And I've actually done things.

HANNITY: What did you think of Donald Trump being the only person on the stage to say he wouldn't support?

WALKER: I thought it was wrong. When you think about Hillary Clinton. I think any of the ten of us tonight, and any of the people on earlier would be infinitely better qualified, and much better for America and for the world to be president than Hillary Clinton.

HANNITY: All right. Governor, good to see you. Thank you for stopping by, we appreciate it.

WALKER: Thank you.

