Rep. Zeldin Leads Letter in House to Secretaries Kerry and Lew re: Iran Air

Press Release

Date: July 5, 2016
Location: Washington, DC

Congressman Lee Zeldin (R, NY-1), member of the House Foreign Affairs Committee, led a letter in the House of Representatives seeking answers from Secretary of State John Kerry and Secretary of the Treasury Jack Lew regarding Iran Air's activities and ownership.

According to the June 2011 Treasury designation of Iran Air, it was "used by the IRGC and Iran's Ministry of Defense and Armed Forces Logistics (MODAFL) to transport military related equipment…Iran Air has shipped military-related equipment on behalf of the IRGC since 2006, and in September and November 2008, Iran Air shipped aircraft-related raw materials to a MODAFL-associated company, including titanium sheets, which have dual-use military applications and can be used in support of advanced weapons programs." It further stated that "(r)ockets or missiles have been transported via Iran Air passenger aircraft, and IRGC officers occasionally take control over Iran Air flights carrying special IRGC-related cargo." Despite this, as a concession under the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA), Iran Air had its secondary sanctions lifted and it is not present on the list of entities designated as appendages of the Government of Iran.

Congressman Zeldin said, "In response to the recent delisting of Iran Air under the JCPOA, my colleagues and I are concerned with the status and ownership of the airline, especially because we have seen little evidence that Iran Air has either privatized or changed its ownership structure. Given Iran Air's past behavior, and the frequent misuse by the Iranian government, my House colleagues and I are seeking responses from the U.S. State and Treasury Departments on whether Iran Air has engaged in prohibited activities within the past two years. We also are requesting information on Iran Air's ownership status, specifically to address our concerns regarding the possible involvement of the Iranian government. I am looking forward to a prompt reply regarding Iran Air from Secretaries Kerry and Lew."
