Statement from Governor Hassan on Signing Senate Bill 549


Date: June 16, 2016
Location: Concord, NH
Issues: Transportation

Governor Maggie Hassan issued the following statement after today signing Senate Bill 549, relative to public-private partnerships for transportation infrastructure projects and establishing the public-private infrastructure oversight commission:

"A solid, modern and safe transportation infrastructure is critical to the success of our people and businesses, and public-private partnerships can play an important role in advancing our transportation goals. This includes bringing commuter rail from Boston to Nashua and Manchester, which will boost our economy, create jobs and help keep more young people in New Hampshire by ensuring that our people and businesses have the full range of modern transportation options that they need.

"By authorizing the commissioner of the Department of Transportation to enter into certain contracts with private entities, Senate Bill 549 will help build innovative public-private partnerships that are critical to moving commuter rail forward. Though I am disappointed that the legislature failed to include the leveraging of federal funds for the environmental and engineering work necessary to bring commuter rail from Boston to Nashua and Manchester in the recently passed Ten-Year Transportation Improvement Plan, I am proud to sign this bipartisan bill into law so that we can pursue the robust public-private partnerships that will help make commuter rail a reality."
