Issue Position: Creating Jobs

Issue Position

U.S. Rep. Vern Buchanan is a self-made businessman. He knows what it means to balance a budget, meet a payroll, and to exercise fiscal discipline that keeps a business moving forward. Giving small businesses the resources they need to create jobs, making sure our government spends no more than what it takes in, and keeping taxes low will ultimately mean greater economic growth and prosperity for everyone.

We have had an anemic economic recovery from the Great Recession. What the country truly needs is a common-sense plan to boost our economy and protect and produce more American jobs in the United States.

In order to achieve these goals, Vern Buchanan has a 10 point plan to create jobs and restore our economy:

1.Tax Reform: Broadly restructure our tax system in order to help struggling families and to encourage businesses to keep their jobs in America.
2.Regulation Reform: Abolish costly onerous government regulations on employers that drive up costs while keeping job growth down.
3.Eliminate the New Health Law's Mandate on Business: Repeal the new, heavy-handed requirement that all businesses buy health insurance for their workers.
4.BBA: A Balanced Budget Amendment will help bring stability to our economy.
5.Trade: Support free and fair trade to open global markets and create jobs in the United States.
6.Tort Reform: Pass far-reaching legal reform that removes frivolous lawsuits from our court system.
7.Energy: Propose expanded drilling in places like Alaska and other areas. Expansion will not only lead to more American energy, but lead to hundreds of thousands of jobs.
8.Labor: Fight an overactive NLRB. Support states pursuing right-to-work laws.
9.China: China has ignored intellectual property rights. This cost the U.S. economy $48 billion in 2009. One study concluded that if China cracked down on this problem, it could create 2.1 million jobs in the U.S.
10.Government Workers: Reduce the government workforce by 10% via attrition and align wages and benefits of government workers with private sector.
