Statement of Congresswoman Tammy Baldwin on Iraq

Date: June 28, 2005

Statement of Congresswoman Tammy Baldwin on Iraq
June 28, 2005

"In March 2003, before the war began, I wrote to the President with 22 of my colleagues to ask him to specifically define our objectives and provide an exit strategy. We asked the President a number of questions including: 'Under what circumstances will our military occupation of (and financial commitment to) Iraq end? And how will we know when these circumstances are present.' We, and the American people, never received an answer to these crucial questions. Even today, the Administration is unwilling or unable to answer. This is simply unacceptable. With the continuing insurgency in Iraq and the fallout from this war at home, more Americans are demanding answers, as well. The American people and our troops deserve a plan, not a photo op.

American soldiers, National Guard, and Reservists and their families have sacrificed and endured much, both financially and emotionally, since our country launched a preemptive war based on false information. Many troops have already served more than one tour of duty in Iraq. At home, we are now seeing the consequences of the cost of this unnecessary war in massive cuts in vital social services and education.

I call on the President to articulate the conditions necessary to bring our troops home, and urge him to do so as soon as possible. Congress should make this a prerequisite for authorizing any future expenditure in Iraq beyond necessary equipment and supplies for the troops."
