No, No, No. Time to Stand our Ground


Date: Dec. 16, 2014

They did it again, folks.

Republicans in Congress used the threat of a government shutdown to give a gift to their billionaire friends on Wall Street. And it worked. They took America hostage and got what they wanted.

The ransom? Repealing key components of Wall Street reform designed to prevent the kind of high-stakes gambling that brought our economy to its knees six years ago. Another provision increased the limit individuals can contribute to political parties, from $92,000 to $777,600 a year -- making it easier for billionaires to buy even more access!

Paying ransom only encourages the hostage taker to do it again. That's why I voted NO last week on this twisted funding bill.

It's time for Democrats to stand our ground. We know that the Republican majorities in the House and Senate are going to try to kick us around next year. This was their opening salvo. It's up to us to draw a line and set some limits.

You know me. I'm going to do everything I can to raise hell and make noise the next time they try to pull this stunt. I know you're with me. And I hope we can get Democrats from the White House on down to join us.

Let's show "em that we won't back down in 2015 and we won't be bullied. Thank you for standing with me in this fight.
