Save Jersey - Lance Huddles with Norquist

News Article

Date: Feb. 12, 2016

By Matt Rooney

In 1993, Grover Norquist launched a weekly "Wednesday Meeting' series at Americans for Tax Reform (ATR) at his pro-flat tax organization's 12th ST NW headquarters. It's a gathering for Washington, D.C. fiscal conservatives to talk shop, share ideas, network and dish on domestic events.

Congressman Leonard Lance (NJ-07) dropped by this week and Norquist gave him a warm reception.

"Congressman Lance succeeded in stopping the Obamacare bailout of big insurance companies. Thanks to the work of Congressman Lance and his colleagues taxpayers are now spared billions that the Obama Administration planned to dole out to insurance companies, with taxpayers footing the bill for failed exchanges and too-good-to-be-true premiums," Norquist told the audience.

Lance played a significant role in halting Obamacare's insurer bailout during last fall's CRomnibus bill dust-up and helped strike a major blow to the notorious health care law's long-term viability in the much-discussed risk corridor battle.

"Washington should not be picking winners and losers in the healthcare marketplace. By enacting a law to end the insurance bailout under the federal risk corridor program we have struck a blow to Obamacare and saved taxpayers more than $2.5 billion, Lance added in his own remarks. "This effort would not have been successful without the support of groups like Americans for Tax Reform."

Lance faces a primary challenge this June from repeat challenge David Larsen.
