Reid Statement On Gun Violence Filibuster


Date: June 15, 2016
Location: Washington, DC
Issues: Guns

Nevada Senator Harry Reid released the following statement regarding Connecticut Senator Chris Murphy's filibuster demanding action on gun violence in America and efforts to address the issue:

"It's been eight hours since Senator Murphy began his courageous filibuster to demand the Senate address gun violence, and I've been following the progress throughout the day.

"We are still waiting for Republicans to find the courage to stand up to the National Rifle Association and join with Democrats to keep guns out of the hands of terror suspects. Unfortunately, the so-called negotiations that took place today were little more than a smokescreen by Republicans trying to give themselves political cover while they continue to march in lock-step with NRA's extreme positions. Democrats are always happy to engage in negotiations, but the talks must be serious and aimed at keeping guns out of the hands of terrorists.

"At no point today have Democrats seen any proposals from Republicans that come close to attracting Democratic support. For instance, Senator Toomey's proposal would make it more difficult for law enforcement to keep guns out of the hands of terrorists by forcing the FBI to jump through more hoops than the already unworkable bill proposed by Senator Cornyn. Neither of these proposals would keep guns out of the hands of suspected terrorists like Omar Mateen. These proposals move us farther away from compromise, not closer."
