Mowrer Slams David Young for Anti-Infrastructure Vote After Report on Iowa Highways Released

Press Release

Date: Feb. 21, 2016
Issues: Infrastructure

In November David Young voted against the bipartisan highway bill which provides funding to repair damaged roads and bridges. Young was one of just 64 members of congress to vote against the bill and the only member of congress from Iowa to vote against the bill that much of the state relies upon for funding to repair rural highways and bridges.

In a recent report from the American Road and Transportation Builders Association it was shown that Iowa has the most structurally deficient bridges in the entire country with 5,025 bridges receiving a deficient rating. Iowa also is in the top five with 20.7% of its bridges receiving this rating.

"Iowans need leaders in Congress who will put Iowa ahead of Washington Special Interests and insiders" said Jim Mowrer who is challenging David Young for Iowa's 3rd district. Mowrer continued "We need to invest in the future and a big part of that is having strong infrastructure. The fact that David Young doesn't get that is likely a result of spending his entire career in Washington."

David Young continues to be out of touch with hardworking families and votes with the fringes of the Republican Party putting special interests ahead of important legislation that would help repair damaged infrastructure and put Iowans to work.
