Woodall Voices Displeasure Over President's "Waters of the US' Veto

Press Release

Date: Feb. 2, 2016

Rep. Rob Woodall's office took to Facebook recently to register its disappointment in President Barack Obama's veto of legislation that would have overturned the controversial Waters of the United States Rule.

The rule is oppossed by Gwinnett officials because of the authority they say they would lose over smaller bodies of water, and the Republican congressman, whose district includes most of the county, was quick to speak out against the veto.

"The action has been challenged by 32 states, and the Supreme Court has twice affirmed the federal limitations of the existing rule -- yet the president has decided to veto America's voice," Woodall's office said on its Facebook page. "In his State of the Union speech … his words indicated a desire to eliminate red tape and work together, but sadly his actions continue to demonstrate the opposite."
