Issue Position: About issues in general

Issue Position

I am a fiscal and social constitutional conservative with some libertarian tendencies.

I support preserving/conserving our American heritage as set forth in the Declaration of Independence, the United States Constitution, and the Indiana Constitution. I maintain that the values of our forefathers were rooted in ancient wisdom and we must be very cautious about discarding them simply because they are "old." I seek restrained government (lower taxes), a pro-business climate (more jobs), strong families, churches and charities (fewer social problems), and individual responsibility (minimal dependency on charity and government).

Rational and well-meaning people can peaceably disagree on many issues and I am sure that you may not agree with me on every one. But if we agree on the issues that are most important to you, I ask for your support.

Obviously, setting forth my views on all issues is impossible. However, issues found in the menu on this site seem to be those on which I receive the most questions.
