Issue Position: Environment

Issue Position

Date: Jan. 1, 2016
Issues: Environment

I am committed to conserving our natural resources for future generations. Protecting our environment is a priority of mine -- and I support legislative efforts that work towards that end. The recent changes in our capacity to access domestic resources have changed the energy and economic landscape in the United States. While I understand the many potential short term upsides that these developments present, we must look to long term environmental realities that we face as a nation, and as a world.

Since their passage in the early 1970's, Clean Air and Clean Water Acts continue to play an important role in improving and protecting the quality of life for Americans everywhere. As the nation confronts environmental challenges that threaten to impact our daily lives, it is important that these foundational policies continue to provide the legal framework necessary to protect American families from harmful pollutants. I will work in Congress to protect any legislative encroachment that may weaken these Acts, while supporting this and future Administrations in their efforts to finalize and robustly implement these valuable laws.

I believe that we must take steps to reduce the effects of global climate change. I have called for the Environmental Protections Agency (EPA) to finalize the Tier 3 Motor Vehicle Emission and Fuel Standards to improve public health by reducing nitrogen oxides, carbon monoxide, and other harmful pollutants. By 2030, thousands of asthma attacks and nearly 2,500 premature deaths every year could be prevented, all while adding between $8 to $23 billion to our economy each year in economic and health care benefits. I also signed a letter to President Obama in May 2014 stressing the importance of continuing to reduce emissions from various sources of energy production. I support the President's recent proposed regulation changes regarding EPA standards, and hope that it sets the stage for additional environmentally responsible legislation.

I oppose legislative efforts to force a premature decision on the Keystone XL pipeline before agencies have completed the established review process because I believe it is the wrong direction for our energy policy. Our nation must face the reality of global climate change and take steps to reduce carbon emissions. Rather than focusing on Keystone XL, we should be working on bigger picture investments in clean energy and energy efficient technologies that will reduce our dependence on fossil fuels that hurt our environment.

The rapid development of domestic energy production is impacting our country rapidly and in dramatic ways. The large-scale expansion of energy production has not come without costs -- the fracking process, which has contributed to an increase in natural gas production, can have harmful effects on our environment. Fracking remains exempt from many fundamental environmental protection laws that have ensured the safety and security of Americans. I have long been a supporter of legislation to improve and maintain environmental safety standards in the energy sector, and will continue to ensure that the safety and health of Americans are protected as new technologies and energy resources become available.

I remain focused on ensuring that we invest in clean energy and energy efficient technologies, and on reducing our dependence on fuels that harm our environment. I support renewal and extension of tax incentives for wind, biomass, hydropower, geothermal, and other types of clean energy technologies that provide critical support to grow America's renewable energy industry and are essential to protecting the environment.
