Issue Position: Growing Our Economy

Issue Position

Growing Vermont's economy for the future will take investing in infrastructure and downtowns, fostering entrepreneurship and innovation, developing a workforce for the 21st century and supporting our local green economy.

We must build on Vermont's strengths: enhancing our vibrant communities; marshaling our ability to adapt to changing times and forge our own future; and promoting Vermont's brand as a great place to visit and a producer of innovative, high quality products and services.

Building Strong Communities: A strong Vermont economy begins with strong communities.

We need to prioritize strategic investments in local infrastructure including transportation, communications, clean water, and housing. These investments have been proven to create new jobs, stimulate local business growth, attract new businesses and housing to revitalized areas, and help employers attract and retain qualified people.

Transportation: As Vermont's Secretary of Transportation, I was a champion for improving the safety, maintenance, and resilience of our roads and bridges. Through investment and innovation, we reduced the percentage of structurally poor bridges by nearly two thirds while significantly improving the condition of our roads. As governor, I will continue to modernize Vermont's transportation infrastructure, with a focus on building faster, smarter, and cheaper. I will continue to grow public transit and rideshare options, expand bike, pedestrian and railway connections, and explore innovative ways to help Vermonters get where they need to go.
Housing For the Future: Housing that is safe and affordable is a basic need of all Vermonters and a foundation of community health. Our workforce is challenged by the lack of available housing at an affordable price and homelessness is growing. I will work with housing providers and advocates to expand housing choices, increase home production and preservation, including energy efficient and moderately priced homes.
Modernizing Communications: Reliable, high speed broadband and cell service is essential for growing a 21st century economy in Vermont and staying connected. I will leverage public and private investments to enhance connectivity and high speed into economic hubs and to expand broadband access.
Reinvesting in Downtowns and Village Centers: Vermont must continue to revitalize our historic downtowns and growth areas while protecting our agricultural and forest lands. Smart public investments can leverage private funds to grow downtown economies. I will continue to partner with local leaders and developers to stimulate downtown growth.

Developing a 21st Century Workforce and Workplace: Vermont's economic growth depends on having an educated and skilled workforce. As governor, I will work to help Vermonters gain the skills and training they need to access livable wage jobs, while connecting our businesses to qualified employees.

Expanding Post-Secondary Education & Training: Two-thirds of jobs in Vermont require post-secondary training, but only about half of Vermont students pursue education beyond high school. I will expand post-secondary education, training, certifications and apprenticeships to better prepare young Vermonters to become the future workforce. Our schools should encourage students and parents to aspire to education past high school and help create pathways to careers and livable wage jobs.
Supporting Entrepreneurs: Innovative entrepreneurs have long been a cornerstone of Vermont, beginning with our farmers. In order to leverage Vermont's brand in today's global marketplace, our entrepreneurs need access to high quality communications, capital, creative workspace and public-private partnerships. I will support a culture of innovation and collaboration among businesses, educators and government to provide our entrepreneurs with the tools, space and teamwork they need to succeed.
Advancing Vermont Manufacturing: Manufacturing is the largest single private sector contributor to Vermont's GDP (12% in 2013). Manufacturing jobs pay higher than average wages and play a critical role in growing our middle class. Vermont should capitalize on emerging markets and our educated workforce. Working with other New England states and business leaders, I will work to establish manufacturing hubs in Vermont and ensure that they align with our reputation for high quality, environmentally friendly products.
Creating Opportunity for Young People: Young people need to know that Vermont is open for business and is a great place to live. I will work to ensure that more young Vermonters are given the incentives, counselling and financial support to pursue their education and career choices here in Vermont.
Empowering Women: Women in Vermont are twice as likely as men to live in poverty and face additional barriers to employment. Vermont's families and economy cannot truly thrive unless we address economic security for women with livable wages and equal pay. I will promote diversifying our workforce with family-friendly policies and non-traditional career paths to attract and retain women in the Vermont workforce.

Growing the Green Rural Economy

Transforming our energy sector is critical to Vermont's economic future and sustainability. And growing our local food system is key for our rural economy. I will focus on recruiting and retaining innovative and diverse green businesses and leadership.

Clean Energy: Clean energy jobs in Vermont now number over 16,000 and I am committed to growing the renewable energy sector even further. Continued investment and innovation in renewable and locally distributed energy creates jobs, keeps our energy dollars in Vermont, and reduces our carbon emissions.
Energy Efficiency: Half of Vermont's clean energy jobs are in efficiency. Vermonters benefit from energy efficiency programs at the state and regional level that are worth millions of dollars in the form of reduced energy costs. I will continue to invest in these programs as a means of creating jobs, making it easier for Vermonters to stay warm, and keeping money in their pockets.
Tourism and Recreation: Visitors to Vermont spend almost $2.5 billion a year in state and tourism-related jobs comprise about 8% of Vermont's total employment. As an avid outdoorswoman, I know how much potential there is to grow this pillar of our economy. That's why I will promote creative marketing and partnerships with the recreation, lodging and outdoor sectors to grow Vermont's reputation as a world-class four-season destination.
Local and Sustainable Food System: A growing number of Vermonters are employed in producing, manufacturing, and distributing high quality food products across the state. I will work actively with the Farm to Plate network of partners to support a renaissance in our local food system and ensure that our farmers get paid fairly for their products, expand opportunities for employment in food manufacturing and distribution, and increase Vermonters' access to high quality, healthy, locally sourced food.
Dairy Farming: The majority of farm jobs in Vermont are related to milk production, and dairy farming brings over $2 billion dollars of economic activity to the state. I will help Vermont's dairy farmers continue to be the primary producers of milk in New England and will work with our family farms and our schools to train the next generation of farmers and enable them to take advantage of new technologies and markets.
