Meadows Applauds Gov. McCrory's Decision to Sue Dept. of Justice

Press Release

Date: May 9, 2016
Location: Washington, DC
Issues: Legal

On Monday, North Carolina Governor Pat McCrory announced his decision to file a lawsuit against the Department of Justice over a challenge to House Bill 2, the Public Facilities Privacy & Security Act. Rep. Mark Meadows (R-NC) released the following statement:

"I fully support Governor McCrory's decision to sue the Department of Justice (DOJ) over their efforts to pull federal funding from North Carolina. This action by the DOJ is yet another example of the federal government attempting to bully states by engaging in serious executive overreach and rewriting state laws to fit their own agenda. Furthermore, the Department of Justice's interpretation of the Civil Rights Act is a radical departure from the original intent of the law and shows a troubling willingness of the Obama Administration to selectively enforce laws at their own discretion.

In a time where acts of courage from our government are few and far between, it is refreshing to watch leaders from my home state of NC act on the will of their constituents. In addition to Governor McCrory, I want to thank Speaker Tim Moore, Senate President Pro Tempore Phil Berger, Lieutenant Governor Dan Forest, and the NC State Legislature for their commitment to serving the great people of North Carolina.
