Fraud Reduction and Data Analytics Act of 2015

Floor Speech

Date: June 21, 2016
Location: Washington, DC

Mr. Speaker, the Fraud Reduction and Data Analytics Act is designed to strengthen Federal agency efforts to combat financial fraud. Congress has passed a number of bills in the past few years aimed at curbing improper payments. Fraud in this area is especially harmful. It stems not from innocent mistakes, but from the willful intent to steal or misuse taxpayer dollars.

Fraud reduction strategies help reduce these crimes, and the Government Accountability Office and the inspector general have recommended that agencies implement such strategies.

The bill before us will require the Director of the Office of Management and Budget to consult with GAO to develop antifraud guidance for Federal agencies and then monitor the implementation of this guidance.

The bill will also require the establishment of a working group of agency chief financial officers to share best practices and help disseminate new antifraud techniques. The working group would also be required to develop a plan for establishing an interagency library of analytical tools and datasets for agencies and IGs to use in fighting fraud.

In developing this plan, I believe the working group should look to the model of the Recovery Operations Center, which was developed to monitor spending under the Recovery Act of 2009, and which has, unfortunately, ceased operations.

These are commonsense steps toward solving a serious problem that everyone should support. I urge members to support S. 2133.


Mrs. LAWRENCE. Mr. Speaker, I have no additional speakers, and I yield back the balance of my time.

