Congressman Poliquin Accepts Donald Trump's Attacks on the Constitution

Press Release

Donald Trump has attacked the fundamental American principle that the judiciary remain independent, even if the defendant of a case is the President of the United States…or a candidate for it. Congressman Poliquin has stayed silent even as most of his own party has denounced the comments.

Donald Trump is facing millions of dollars in legal penalties for his fraudulent Trump University. Several days ago, Trump said that Judge Gonzalo Curiel's ethnicity made him unqualified to hear the case, and made vague threats to "look into" the judge, who has an unblemished record and was unanimously confirmed by Democrats and Republicans.

These comments -- threatening a federal judge to try to gain a personal advantage -- have "have set off a wave of alarm among legal experts" and "could carry constitutional implications."

Trump's comments fit the pattern. He has previously said that he would force the military to obey illegal orders, and that he would weaken numerous parts of the Constitution, including the rights of free speech, freedom of religion, due process, and more. As one law professor put it, "He has repeatedly given indications he has no appreciation for the rule of law."

Congressman Poliquin apparently thinks that these unconstitutional attacks on a federal judge are appropriate, and has not denounced them.

Other Republicans have more backbone than Congressman Poliquin. Trump's comments have been denounced by Senator Collins and numerous others. Even Newt Gingrich, who was thought to be seeking selection as Trump's vice presidential nominee, called the comments "inexcusable," a move that may have removed himself from consideration.

Said Emily Cain, "Here in Maine we believe in respecting one another and we believe in the freedoms that the Constitution guarantees. It's unfortunate that Congressman Poliquin lacks the backbone to stand up to Trump's outrageous, insulting, and unconstitutional attack on the American judicial system. Congressman Poliquin should stop the political calculation and do what's right."
