Issue Position: Quality of Life and Health Care

Issue Position

Put people first

Push for public sidewalks, roadways and buildings to be constructed/re-fit when repaired to provide access for people who use wheelchairs, walkers and for senior citizens

Accomplishment: Sidewalk repairs

The number of sidewalk repairs needed in our district is very high. We have been able to get the city to give added priority to those sections where children or senior citizens live to help avoid injuries. This year several repairs were made and we will continue to push for the remainder to be addressed.

Give priority to (a) making catastrophic health care coverage available and affordable, (b) expanding the Hoosier Rx program to provide wider access for low-cost prescription drug coverage, and (c) increasing funding for home health care options (Did we increase CHOICE last year?)

Protect our natural resources and take responsible actions to make sure our air, water and surroundings are clean for our sake and our children's
