Bustos' Legislation to Protect Infants from Opioid Exposure Passes Out of Committee

Press Release

Date: April 27, 2016
Location: Washington, DC

Today, Congresswoman Cheri Bustos (IL-17) announced that her bipartisan bill to improve care for children born with opioid addiction has passed out of the House Committee on Energy and Commerce. Bustos' bill, the Nurturing and Supporting Healthy Babies Act (H.R. 4978), now moves toward full consideration by the House.

"As a mother, I can't think of anything more important than helping our children get off to a healthy start which is why we have to do more to help babies born with addition to drugs like heroin," Congresswoman Bustos said. "Heroin addiction has ravaged too many families in communities across Illinois and we must all do our part to address this crisis. I'm proud that my bipartisan legislation passed out of Committee, because as more children are born into the world experiencing withdrawal symptoms every year, the Nurturing and Supporting Healthy Babies Act will lead to improved treatment and care for babies who have been exposed to opioids during pregnancy."

Last week, Congresswoman Bustos introduced H.R. 4978, the Nurturing and Supporting Healthy Babies Act with Congressman Evan Jenkins (R-W.Va). This legislation will expand our knowledge of care of babies born with neonatal abstinence syndrome (NAS), including the prevalence of NAS in the United States, the number of NAS babies covered by Medicaid, the settings for care for NAS babies, and access to care for NAS babies under state Medicaid programs. The bill also directs the Government Accountability Office to identify any federal obstacles to care for NAS babies.
