Issue Position: Integrity

Issue Position

Pass Constitutional Amendment -- Term Limits for Congress
Pass Constitutional Amendment -- Remove "Judicial Review" from Judiciary -- foster true equality between the three branches of government
Abolish Congressional Pension System
Prohibit members of Congress from trading on nonpublic government information
Require members of Congress disclose stock trades within 2 days like the rest of us
Prohibit members of Congress to trade on companies they oversee
Apply Whistleblower laws to Congress
No more sweetheart IPOs for members of Congress
No immediate family members of Congress may be employed as lobbyists
Lifetime ban on members of Congress serving as lobbyists after Congress
No campaign contributions while Congress is in session
Prohibit Earmarks
Defund Planned Parenthood and push for Federal Criminal Investigation
Impeach/remove most senior officials presently running the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs
Strengthen the Inspectors General process
Aggressively investigate and prosecute public corruption
