Hearing of the Senate Homeland Security & Governmental Affairs Committee - Ranking Member's Statement on "Frustrated Travelers: Rethinking TSA Operations to Improve Passenger Screening and Address Threats to Aviation"


Date: June 7, 2016
Location: Washington, DC

As prepared for delivery:

Thank you, Mr. Chairman, for calling this important and timely hearing. As we all know, the
Transportation Security Administration was created in the wake of the attacks on September
11th. We understand well the terrorist threat to our aviation system that the agency was created
to combat. Having said that, though, we oftentimes fail to acknowledge an undeniable tension
that exists at the core of TSA's mission. On the one hand, we ask TSA to screen millions of
passengers and their luggage carefully each day to prevent explosives, weapons and other
dangerous items from finding their way onboard an aircraft. On the other hand, millions of
passengers want to get on board their airplanes on time and without the aggravation that security
screening can often bring.

Given the long wait times we have recently witnessed at security checkpoints at a number of
airports across America, we know that it can be difficult to strike the right balance between
security and convenience. Some might even be tempted to say that we can't have both, that
effective security measures invariably bring with them inconvenience, lines, and even missed
flights. I disagree. In fact, I believe that many of the problems we've witnessed at some of our
airports are eminently solvable. But first we need to better understand the scope of the challenge
and its genesis.

After the Department of Homeland Security's Office of Inspector General produced a very
troubling report last year revealing vulnerabilities at TSA checkpoints, Admiral Neffenger took
several steps to tighten security. And while the steps he and his team have taken have contributed
to longer waits for some, there are other reasons why TSA has struggled lately. Resource
constraints and increased air travel have played a significant role. TSA is being asked to do more
with less. While inept management and leadership at some airports has been a major factor, the
truth is that staffing at TSA has dropped by more than 10 percent since 2011. At the same time,
passenger volume at our airports has increased by more than 10 percent. TSA must be nimble
enough to handle this growth in air travelers, especially the surges that occur during the busy
summer travel season and at other times during the year.

The good news is that Admiral Neffenger and Secretary Johnson have moved quickly to reduce
wait times and to do so without compromising security. Based on reports I've seen, these efforts
are already beginning to bear fruit and helped keep passengers moving during the busy Memorial
Day weekend. Is there room for improvement? You bet there is. But security is a shared
responsibility, and we each have a role to play. Congress must work with the Administration to
ensure that the agency has the resources it needs to effectively carry out its mission. Funding
levels in appropriations bills awaiting action in the Senate move us -- and TSA -- in the right
direction. We need to enact them.But airports and air carriers have an important responsibility to help reduce wait times, too.

I have been very encouraged by the willingness of private-sector stakeholders to step up and
contribute their own resources and ideas to solving this problem. A longer-term solution is being
demonstrated in real time today at London's Heathrow Airport. In the spirit of "find out what
works and do more of that,' TSA launched a similar initiative last month. It's called an
"Innovation Lane,' and I'm sure we'll hear more today about how this partnership with Delta Air
Lines in Atlanta will improve passenger throughput by 30 percent.

While that concept shows great promise over the long haul, airlines have already taken a number
of other steps that can make a difference now, such as reassigning their own employees to help
TSA. Perhaps the most important step we can take is to continue to dramatically grow
participation in trusted traveler programs, like Pre-Check, that speed screening for vetted
passengers and shorten wait times for those not in Pre-Check lines, too. I'm encouraged by steps
TSA has taken so far to increase Pre-Check enrollment. We're told that enrollments have soared
from about 3,500 per day a year ago to roughly 16,000 a day in May. I look forward to learning
today about additional ways we can encourage enrollment in this program.

In closing, it's important to keep in mind that there are still very real security threats to our
aviation system. Today's solution may not work tomorrow. Those seeking to wreak havoc are
always changing their tactics, and these evolving threats require that we constantly adjust what
we do at our airport security checkpoints and on our airplanes. We also need to stay on top of
growth in air travel and changing travel patterns so that TSA and its partners are not caught like
they were recently dealing with logistical challenges they aren't prepared for. This is why strong
leadership is so critical to seeing us through these very challenging times.

I would like to thank Admiral Neffenger for providing that leadership at a very challenging time
for his agency, and for all the work he and his team have done to keep our skies safe. You and
the team you lead have a hard job. We ask much of all of you. Too rarely do we say thank you.
This burden is not just for all of you to bear. This is a shared responsibility. Each of us needs to
do our part. If we do, we'll be much safer as a nation. Let's roll.
