Military Construction and Veterans Affairs and Related Agencies Appropriations Act, 2017

Floor Speech

Date: May 18, 2016
Location: Washington, DC


Mr. CLAY. Mr. Chair, I want to thank the gentlewoman from Missouri (Mrs. Wagner) for yielding. I rise today in strong support of this amendment as offered by Mrs. Wagner.

The National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency's decision to locate their new western headquarters in north St. Louis was the right choice to support their vital national security mission, the best decision for the over 3,000 exceptional Federal employees who work there, and it will transform a great Federal failure into a transformational Federal success.

The misguided and shortsighted attempt to withhold funding from this project not only is petty and parochial, it is completely irresponsible because delaying this project would put our national security at risk. NGA Director Robert Cardillo said it best in his message to his employees on April 1.

Director Cardillo said: ``The future of our agency and our profession rests on our present talent and that of the next generations we can recruit onto our team. We face tough competition, and offering an environment that appeals to these future generations is critical to our success. Studies point to a desire by today's millennials to be in urban environments, and this trend is expected to continue.''

He went on to say: ``Our partnership with industry and academia will continue to grow and expand as we transform some of our work to a more open, connected and transparent environment. Our ability to engage with local universities and innovative, technology-based companies is enhanced by remaining in St. Louis city. I am confident that we will build a facility in St. Louis that will be a remarkable home for us to master our craft and engage with our partners in a flexible, technologically advanced environment that is enticing to current and future generations.''

I urge my colleagues to support the gentlewoman's amendment.

