Issue Position: Energy

Issue Position

Date: Jan. 1, 2016

We must build a clean energy future that reduces America's dependence on fossil fuels and safeguards the environment.

High oil prices are hurting Minnesota drivers. America's dependency on oil and coal are endangering our national security and contributing to catastrophic climate change.

Clean energy technology is one of the fastest growing sectors of the global economy and a key to America's future. The United States is losing ground in private clean energy investment, and we cannot afford slip further behind. To regain the lead, we need a strong partnership among government, universities and the private sector.

America's entrepreneurs, small businesses and cutting-edge corporations need the U.S. government to make strategic investments in infrastructure, research, and education. The private sector urgently needs clear policy direction, including a comprehensive national energy strategy.

Taxpayer subsidies for fossil fuels represent corporate welfare at its worst. Those subsidies should be redirected to support the development and deployment of renewable energy technologies such as wind, solar, geothermal, biomass, wave energy and others. These are commitments America's global competitors - China, India, Germany, and Brazil -- are making in order to compete. We must do the same if we are to remain economically competitive and preserve the health of the planet.
