The Katy News - Olson ACts to Protect Taxpayers and Hold IRS Accountable

News Article

Date: April 21, 2016
Issues: Taxes

By Unknown

Rep. Pete Olson (TX-22) today voted to protect taxpayers and hold the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) accountable to the public they serve. Olson voted in support of two bills to make the IRS more accountable to the American people.

"An agency with the power to garnish our wages or bankrupt our family MUST be held accountable for their actions," Rep. Pete Olson said. "I'm pleased to support every effort to empower people not bureaucrats. The House has acted and I urge my Senate colleagues to do the same."

The first bill H.R. 1206, No Hires for the Delinquent IRS Act would suspend the hiring of new IRS employees unless the Treasury Secretary certifies that no IRS employees have serious tax delinquencies with respect to their own tax obligations. The second bill H.R. 4885 is the IRS Oversight While Eliminating Spending (OWES) Act. This bill repeals the IRS ability to spend user fees without Congressional approval and instead requires congressional determination in order to spend those fees.
