Promoting Responsible Opioid Management and Incorporating Scientific Expertise Act

Floor Speech

Date: May 10, 2016
Location: Washington, DC


Mr. CARTER of Georgia. I thank the gentleman from Florida for yielding and for his efforts and the efforts of all of those who are involved in this legislation.

Mr. Speaker, my concern here is twofold. First of all, as a pharmacist with over 30 years of experience and practice, this is a deep concern of mine.

Secondly, I believe we have a duty to our servicemen and -women who have sacrificed their lives to serve and protect our country. Studies have shown that soldiers and veterans use opioid painkillers far more frequently than civilians because their military training and combat lead to far more injuries. In fact, a report by the American Public Health Association found that the fatal overdose rate among VA patients is nearly double the national average. Something needs to be done. The VA is doing a disservice to our veterans by prescribing too many opioids at too high quantities. That is why H.R. 4063 is so important.

H.R. 4063 directs the Department of Defense and the Department of Veterans Affairs to jointly update the VA/DOD Clinical Practice Guideline for the Management of Opioid Therapy for Chronic Pain so it adequately reflects the current environment we face with opioid abuse. It also directs the VA to modify and establish initiatives and protocols to better address the misuse of opioids by our veterans.

These changes, I believe, will be one step toward ensuring that the services provided to our men and women of the military will improve their overall care and will move us closer to fulfilling our duty of servicing our servicemen and -women.

I ask all of my colleagues to support this legislation.

