The Iran Deal

Floor Speech

Date: May 10, 2016
Location: Washington, DC


Mr. DeSANTIS. Mr. Speaker, Ben Rhodes from the administration said that the Iran deal would be the ObamaCare of the administration's second term. When I heard that, I thought, ``Sheesh,'' because a lot of us don't think highly of ObamaCare. We don't think it has worked out well. We didn't think the Iran deal was going to work out well. But now that actually has a deeper meaning.

ObamaCare was sold to the American people on a set of deceptions: if you like your plan, you can keep it; if you like your doctor, you can keep him; you are going to pay $2,500 less per family for health insurance. Now, it turns out, so was the Iran deal.

They concocted a narrative--a false narrative--that, with the election of Rouhani, a moderate who really wanted to have an opening, this was a once-in-a-generation opportunity for America to seize this day and strike a deal with Iran--even though they are the world's leading state sponsor of terrorism--and bring peace to the world.

That was all false. This started before Rouhani was elected. He is not a moderate. This was a deal made in conjunction with Iran's hard- liners; and as we are seeing now with how they are behaving, it is benefitting Iran's hard-liners.

ObamaCare we can fix. It will be tough. But we may not be able to recover if Iran gets a nuclear weapon.

