Global Food Security Act of 2016

Floor Speech

Date: April 12, 2016
Location: Washington, DC


Mrs. LAWRENCE. Mr. Speaker, I rise today in support of H.R. 1567, the Global Food Security Act of 2015. As the world's population has increased the demand for food has grown with it. Amidst a volatile oil market and impacts from extreme weather on major food-exporting industries due to climate change, food prices have risen with the burden falling heavily on underdeveloped nations and their citizens. The pressure is on our chamber to ensure that we live in a world where food availability, regardless of droughts and transportation costs, is not an option but a right.

Feed the Future, a U.S. Government Initiative, works hand-in-hand with partner countries to develop agriculture sectors that help domestic economies as well as the individuals in these places suffering from food shortages. The advanced approach by Feed the Future works to solve the issue by addressing many of the concerns that face these countries. Empowering women, embracing innovation between private sector and civil society, supporting food security, and creating cost- effective results that lead to sustainability for these partner countries are just some of the goals of the Feed the Future program.

The Global Food Security Act of 2015 builds off this initiative by making it permanent and committing the United States to a solution regarding the growing food shortage epidemic. The Act improves upon existing practices to ensure that U.S. taxpayer dollars are effectively apportioned while not adding to the debt. It also requires the Administration to develop a comprehensive strategy to combat food insecurity, malnutrition, and hunger and report it to Congress on a yearly basis.

I would like to close by saying that I am proud of our chamber for coming together to ensure that the United States plays a key role in combatting one of the largest developmental issues in the 21st century. I also want to thank my colleagues for understanding the importance of a comprehensive approach that recognizes and promotes the involvement of women in agriculture while also promoting a sustainable future for our partner countries.

