Murphy, Rooney Introduce the Austin and Perry Safe Boating Incentive Act

Press Release

Date: March 14, 2016
Location: Washington, DC
Issues: Transportation

U.S. Representatives Patrick E. Murphy (FL-18) and Tom Rooney (FL-17) introduced the Austin and Perry Safe Boating Incentive Act to incentivize the use of safety beacons in boating activities. The bill is named to honor the memory of Austin Stephanos and Perry Cohen, two teenagers from Tequesta, Florida, who went missing on July 24, 2015 during a boating excursion.

"Last summer, our community was shaken by the loss of Austin and Perry. Like them, I grew up on the water, and it has always been a major part of my life. But unfortunately, tragedy can strike anyone at anytime," said Murphy. "By promoting the use of locator beacons to improve recovery efforts and survival chances when accidents occur, we honor the memory of Austin and Perry as well as their love of the water by making boating and water activities safer."

"As the father of three young boys, my heart broke for Austin and Perry's families when they went missing last summer," Rooney said. "This bill is a concrete step in attempting to prevent future tragedies and to help save lives. I hope this bill will encourage more people to install safety beacons on their boats and vessels, so they can continue to experience the joys of boating while also remaining safe."
