Reid, Heller Announce Adoption of Measure To Address Western Drought Conditions

Press Release

Date: April 26, 2016
Location: Washington, DC

Nevada Senators Harry Reid and Dean Heller released the following statement after the Senate adopted the Reid Water Management Amendment to the Energy and Water appropriations bill. The amendment supports innovative water conservation projects in the Colorado River Basin that will help ensure that every bit of water from the Colorado River is used as efficiently as possible.

"This amendment will help Nevada and states throughout the Southwest deal with record drought conditions by stretching every drop of water in the Colorado River as far as it will go," said Senator Reid. "Nevada has experienced fifteen years of drought conditions with no end in sight and Lake Mead has dropped to levels not seen since the great depression when the lake was filled. The federal government can and should work with the states to foster innovative solutions that will make our precious water supplies more sustainable. Through this amendment, we can give western states the tools they need to deal with this critical issue."

"The Colorado River is the lifeblood of Southern Nevada, supplying over 90% of southern Nevada's water supplies. That's why I worked with Senator Reid on this amendment that supports innovative water conservation projects that bolster our region's water security. Given the current drought situation, it is essential that we stretch every drop of western water as far as it will go," said Senator Heller.


The on-going drought in the West has significantly increased the near-term risk that water elevations in the Colorado River system could decline to levels that would trigger shortages. This voluntary program compensates reductions in water use and water efficiency upgrades in order to keep additional water in the Colorado River system.

The Pilot System Conservation Program was authorized under Sec. 206 of the Energy and Water appropriations bill of 2015. The Reid-Heller amendment increases the Secure Water Act by an additional $50 million on the condition it is used to for the Pilot Projects.
