Rep. Cook Votes to Strengthen International Border Screening

Press Release

Date: March 21, 2016
Location: Washington, DC

Rep. Paul Cook (R- Apple Valley) voted today for HR 4314, the Counterterrorism Screening and Assistance Act of 2016. The bipartisan bill passed the House with overwhelming support.

Since the attacks on September 11, the U.S. has assisted our allies in closing their security gaps, which might allow terrorists and foreign fighters to travel internationally undetected. However, until we can create uniformity in security procedures among all countries flying into the United States, risks still exist. Improving our allies' capacity and increasing coordination would help improve security beyond national borders to mitigate threats before they reach the U.S. and reduce overlap, waste, and unnecessary duplication.

The Counterterrorism Screening and Assistance Act of 2016 establishes a plan to close security gaps that currently exist that allow terrorists and foreign fighters to travel internationally. The bill tightens border security screening abroad, mandates a "report card" to assess foreign government's border security, establishes minimum border security standards, and withholds foreign assistance for countries that don't meet border security standards."

Rep. Cook said, "We must find ways to close the gaps in our international security, which continue to pose a threat to the security of our homeland. In the terrorist attacks on Paris, some of the perpetrators were able to move across borders without detection, in some cases using fake passports. There were also a number of foreign fighters returning from ISIS strongholds in Syria, Iraq, and Libya. The United States must work with other countries to improve border security and information sharing between governments. This bill is a good step in the right direction for providing better security measures, and I applaud its passage."
