Ribble to Travel to Cuba

Date: March 16, 2016
Location: Washington, DC
Issues: Trade

U.S. Representative Reid Ribble (WI-08), a member of the House Committee on Foreign Affairs, today announced he plans to travel to Cuba with a bipartisan group of Members of Congress and President Obama on March 20, 2016.

Representative Ribble's objectives for ending the embargo on Cuba and normalizing relations are twofold: to increase American access to Cuban markets, particularly in agricultural commodities, and to increase the exposure of the Cuban people to American freedom and democracy.

"Not only has the Cuban embargo been unsuccessful, but American producers are missing out on a market that imports the vast majority of its agricultural products, and Cubans are missing out on exposure to the freedom and democracy that lies just ninety miles from their shore.

I am one of a majority of Americans who believe that it is time to change policies that have not worked. Lifting the embargo would be a win both for American businesses and for the Cuban people, who stand to benefit enormously from our ideas, technology, medicine, and agriculture. Whether it's cranberries, dairy, or any other Wisconsin product, Wisconsin stands to benefit from increased access to the Cuban market. "
