Issue Position: Political Correctness Act

Issue Position

I propose that instead of sanctioning the union of two homosexuals by calling it "MARRIAGE", that it be called a "CIVIL UNION" and an official Certificate be issued in that title.

Such a Union could confer all the same (equal rights), privileges and obligations that a Marriage Certificate contains for two monogamous individuals who get married. A difference might exist in the allocation of Federal "widow" benefits, but they would not outweigh the merit of this proposal.

Due to the current explosion by a very vocal minority (including the Supreme Court), and a misguided President, age old traditions and interpretations have been, and will continue to be, revised due to an incogitable reasoning "Political Correctness". With this new fallacious reasoning, age old laws and traditions are being overturned and given new definitions.

Marriage is a time-honored institution that has blessed humanity more years than most people realize. In spite of its beneficence, it is now being disrespected, and even assaulted.

There is a logical principle, known as the Law of the Excluded Middle, which states that a thing either is or it is not. A line either is straight or it is not straight; there is no middle position. If it is partially straight and partially crooked then it is not straight.

Applied to our present consideration, we must argue: Marriage originated from God, or else it did not. If it did not originate from God, then it must have originated from a non-God source. If that was the case, human beings must have originated the institution, and thus they may do with it as they please. There are no "marriage rules" save those that people may choose, or that which society imposes by law. If either is the case, actions are arbitrary -- to fluctuate from place to place or from era to era. Nothing about marriage is static.

On the other hand, if God is the author of the marriage relationship, he (or she), being sovereign (Psalm 47:2; cf. Daniel 4:34-35), had the absolute right to set the rules for ordering this time-honored institution.

It will be the thrust of this discussion to argue the case for the divine origin of marriage and the Lord's autonomous right to regulate the relationship.

Humanists contend that "marriage" is merely the evolutionary product of a long line of biological creatures (e.g., some birds and mammals) that appear to have formed lasting paired relationships (Huxley, 34; cf. Locke & Peterson, 18.311). There is absolutely no scientific or historical data that substantiate this assertion. This baseless theory originated in the minds of those who seek an origin for mankind in a naturalistic fashion.

The case for the divine origin of marriage can be argued from various lines of evidence.

FIRST, the study of both ancient and modern man reveals that marriage is a universal practice of the human family. The late Dr. Ashley Montague, a prominent anthropologist, wrote: "There are no societies in which marriage (between a man and woman) does not exist". If marriage between only a man and woman developed in a random, haphazard, evolutionary fashion, one might expect that "marriage between a man and woman" would be found in some cultures but not in others. Evidence, simply does not support that view!

SECOND, the ancient Hebrew record maintains that marriage is the result of the creation of man and woman having been made especially for one another as husband and wife.

"And Jehovah God caused a deep sleep to fall upon the man, and he slept; and he took one of his ribs, and closed up the flesh: and from the rib, which Jehovah God had taken from the man, he made a woman, and brought her unto the man. And the man said, "This is now bone of my bones, and flesh of my flesh: she shall be called Woman, because she was taken out of Man." Therefore a man shall leave his father and his mother, and shall cleave unto his wife: and they shall be one flesh (Genesis 2:21-24)."

It should be noted that Jesus Christ, appealing to this very text, endorsed the proposition that marriage was instituted by God (see: Matthew 19:4-5; Mark 10:6). To repudiate this reality is to say that God, and or Jesus, and all historical claim, was wrong!

THIRD, as far back as one may go, exploring the historical records of the past, marriage between a man and a woman has been a part of the fabric of human existence. The Code of Hammurabi (c. 2104-2061 B.C.) contains 282 laws of the ancient Babylonian empire. Laws 128 through 161 deal with marriage (Barton, 391-393). Other records, discovered later and going back centuries earlier, bear similar testimony. There is no evidence that marriage between a man and a woman developed in a piece-meal fashion or that it was fashioned as a union of similar sexes!

Without question, history shows marriage was designed to be a monogamous arrangement, between one man and one woman. Whatever your beliefs, marriage between two people of the same sex or the marriage of a human being and an animal has ever been a palatable belief of the vast majority of our citizens before "Political Correctness" foisted itself upon the public!

While there are some religions (e.g., Islam, and fundamentalist cults of Mormon persuasion), as well as a few very primitive cultures that practiced polygamy, it was never previously sanctioned anywhere in the civilized world

An atheist recently criticized the biblical laws prohibiting sex with animals. She felt that such might be bizarre, but she took issue with any law that would prohibit it. Today her view is endorsed by the "Political Correctness" group. Do YOU actually agree with her? If you do not stand up and speak out against the views of "Political Correctness", you (silently at least) endorse it.


Thousands of years of human history have rejected "same-sex marriage." While homosexual "marriage" has now been legalized in a few countries, most other nations -- including our own (until recently) -- did not transform these actions into righteous ones.

Even in the pre-Christian era of "toleration" (that overlooked polygamy and loose divorce) homosexual liaisons were not permitted.

Although not as important as the issue of homosexual unions being called marriages, "Political Correctness" has reared its ugly head in other treasured areas.TRADITIONS:

No longer are we permitted to have copy of the American Pledge of Allegiance displayed in the class rooms of our public schools because it might offend someone. TOO BAD! If they don't want to pledge their allegiance to this country, let them remain silent or pack up and move to some other country that will accept them without their allegiance!

Even though our country is admittedly founded on Christian-Judaic principles, we are no longer able to display a copy of the Ten Commandments in our public school classrooms. The morally bankrupt "Political Correctness" activists believe "It might offend someone." TOO BAD! If a two thousand year old code of moral principles offends them, let them move to that other country that has no code of moral principles!

"Political Correctness" has shorn us of many other traditions and beliefs that we have held sacred. They do not want a Christmas tree on the White House lawn. "It might offend someone". TOO BAD! It has been a treasured American tradition for 83 years. You don't like it? Leave my Country

The affirmation of a person's loyalty should not be taken by placing one's hand upon a bible! It might offend some "Political Correctness" advocates, TOO BAD! Let them not seek any office or service that does not require an Oath of Loyalty!

Unisex bathrooms and dispensing with the differences in physiology may be the ideas of "Political Correctness", but they are not mine and I do not believe they are endorsed by the overwhelming majority of American citizens! If they want "unisex" accommodations, let them have them in their own homes behind closed doors!

If you don't speak out by voting for me, you are condoning the philosophy of "Political Correctness". Remember: To remain silent is to vote for what you don't believe in!
