Supporting Maine's Small Businesses


Date: Feb. 3, 2016
Location: Washington, DC

Today, Maine's Second District Congressman, Bruce Poliquin, voted for the Capital Markets Improvement Act, a package of bipartisan bills that help small and local businesses in Maine have better access to capital and resources. Poliquin's pro-small business vote today comes on the heels of his own job-growth bill, the Small Business Capital Formation Enhancement Act, passing the House earlier this week. Congressman Poliquin released the following statement:

"Maine's small and local businesses must have the capital and resources needed to expand and hire more workers," said Congressman Poliquin. "Maine's businesses have been devastated by overregulation and intrusion from Washington. This week, I am very proud that Congress has acted to get these pro-business, pro-job bills through, including my own.

"As I've said before, my number one focus in Congress is job creation. I am working every day in Congress so that we have fairer policies for our local businesses, more stability for our families and more opportunity for our communities."
