Issue Position: Education

Issue Position

Date: Jan. 22, 2016

Education is and should be a continued right for all. Our children are burdened by heavy student loans which must be paid back with interest, while most European countries with much less means than us provide free education to their children. Is it possible the Europeans value their children more than we do? I doubt that, we love and value our children just as much. Alas our government's priorities are dramatically different than those of our European partners. While our government continues to focus on military spending above all else, the Europeans pursue domestic priorities including education, healthcare, productivity and innovation.

Our current politicians have lost touch with reality. OUR CHILDREN ARE the future! They are and should be nurtured as our most valued trust. Educating our youth should be one of our highest priorities as a country. Innovation and technological breakthroughs are achieved by bright and un-encumbered great minds. We as a country must be the catalyst and the mechanism to provide them with the opportunity to excel and to achieve. As some have quoted "A mind is a terrible thing to waste"

Educating our children is synonymous with securing our great country's future. We must change repayment programs for student loans, through community service and or government service. Many colleges and universities have huge endowments and coupled with sports program proceeds could be used to defray the cost of educating our youth. While we encourage reductions in the costs of education, it is equally important for participating students to vigorously pursue their studies. Students should not mortgage their future to get an education. They deserve better, America deserves better!
