Pearce Votes for Jobs and Affordable Electricity


Date: Dec. 1, 2015
Location: Washington, DC

U.S. Rep. Steve Pearce issued this statement on the House adoption of two resolutions that disapprove of the EPA's job-killing "cap-and-trade' regulations:

"The EPA's Clean Power Plan and New Source Performance Standards will have a devastating impact on low income families in New Mexico," said Pearce. "These regulations will cause businesses to cut thousands of jobs across the country, raise electricity prices on families, threaten grid reliability, and force states to implement a "cap and trade' system that the President was unable to pass with a filibuster-proof majority in Congress. Instead, President Obama, through the EPA, has decided to use executive fiat to push these regulations, which go against the will of the people and are legally questionable. By passing these resolutions of disapproval Congress is again refusing to go along with the President's damaging standards, and assuring that the will of the people is honored."
